Mystical Mornings in Abruzzo – Mattinate mistiche in Abruzzo

Mornings here are beautiful. Even if I wake up a little sad, they make me smile.

On Thursday, after a very busy day, I sat in front of the fire and worked on my book.
Speak Slowly Please, I’m English, is the fourth book I’ve published, but the most important one I’ve written. I’ve been working on it for three years, and it hovers at around three hundred pages. I had to stop it there. It could have been much longer, but if my readers enjoy it, I have plenty of material for a sequel.

I’d just started my morning Yoga on Friday, when our musical doorbell burst into action. It startled me! I ran downstairs to find a man in a hard hat standing at our gate.
“Buongiorno.” I said.
“Buongiorno….blablabla!” he responded, waving a plastic key in front of him.
“Piano, piano, poco Italiano.” (Speak Slowly please, I have little Italian) I told him. I don’t think he understood because his words continued to race from his mouth. I know it is very difficult for Italians to speak slowly, and I do love their beautiful language, but it’s sometimes impossible to know where one word ends and the next one starts. He unlocked the door to the metal box that held the gas meter, glanced at the reading, and closed the door again.
“Va bene.” (It’s good).
Then he walked away, along the road towards Piano San Pietro, past a new sign that warned motorists they were approaching traffic lights. I guess they’re working on the gas line.

Friday was a very full day. There was lots of buzz back and forth regarding the script and plot, for hubbies TV appearance next week. On Friday evening he had a call with his stage wife to compare notes. It’s very interesting and amusing listening to them. Maybe there’s a second career in the offing (or not). It does seem like a lot of work.

I’ve been working with Microsoft Co-Pilot to try and put a book cover together, or at least get ideas. My daughter will produce the final masterpiece. She’s an attorney by profession, but an artist at heart. Have a lovely day everyone.