The Faithful Writer – Lo scrittore fedele

I’ve been writing for so long it’s become second nature. All of my emotions are poured into my stories. Writing is my escape, and much healthier then taking medication to iron out the kinks in my overactive mind. Can you imagine me on medication…yikes!

When I retired I thought great, I’ll write full time, but of course it didn’t happen. All authors are blighted with the procrastination virus…not sure why.

I published a children’s book. Princess Tess and her Mess is one of Amazon’s best kept secrets. I’m not great at promoting myself! There will be a follow up to Princess Tess (hopefully).

My current project, an amusing rendition of our move to Italy, has been in the works for over three years. The story is finished but I’m tweaking it before it goes to my editor. Its been in the tweaking process for about a year, but I really want to get it right, and not bore you all with details that are only interesting to me. This is where my editor comes in. Content editing is mega important. I go back and forth with her several times before publishing. She rocks! If I don’t hurry up my book will be published posthumously. Maybe I’ll become a legend!

You’ve been here with me during the past few years, so you definitely have to help me celebrate the journey’s end.

Watch this space…