What will the New Year Bring – Cosa porterà il nuovo anno

What will it 2023 bring? Who knows!

The last two and a half years seem to have lasted a lifetime. We survived a world pandemic and now we’re watching with horror as the crazy Russian continues his rampage. He’s not quite as clever as he thought, and the good people of the Ukraine have fought bravely. Hopefully karma will catch up with him soon.

We moved to Italy for a peaceful, and cheaper way of life, but now are being hit with huge gas and electricity bills. Thanks Putin! Our investments have taken a nose dive so we’ll be leaving them alone for a while.

We survived Trump’s reign of terror, but watch with horror as he prepares to run for election again in 2024. Seriously? The world is still recovering from his last mistakes, how can this be allowed to happen again?

We said goodbye to our Queen in 2022. She had a long run didn’t she. We celebrated her Silver Jubilee in 1977, the year hubby and I got married. What an occasion that was! (Both our wedding and the Jubilee). So many memories of her over the years. Even the Royal Family are struggling now. Will they survive? I think so! Not a fan of Charlie boy, and I don’t think I’ll ever refer to him as King Charles (makes him sound like a Spaniel), but it is what it is.

We lost two other great people this year. Pele, the amazing Brazilian football player who led his team to three world cup victories, and Vivienne Westwood. During the 1990’s Vivienne Westwood’s fashions flourished, but her fashion career began in the 1970s with the punk explosion. Her radical approach to urban street style took the world by storm.

So 2023 lies ahead of us. Dare we be hope the world is a kinder place next year? We can’t control the world, but we can help influence those around us. Be nice to everyone who crosses your path.

When we lived in the US world news was something we watched on TV, but here in Europe, we’re in the thick of it. We don’t just read about world events, we feel them with passion and emotion. Are we better off here in Italy? Who knows? The whole world is crazy right now.

Here’s to health and happiness in the New Year. Keep your sense of humour and stay strong!